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Friday, September 30, 2011


Wanted: Snowboard Buddy
Snow season is yet to be here but I'm already mapping out plans to hit up all of the best resorts for the 2012 season.  I fell in love with this in Japan and will continue to seek out new powder rides (this time in the ROK) till the body clock stops ticking.

A Snowboard buddy would serve twofold: 1) company on boring ski lifts and 2) drinking partner when recovering from a full day of righteous shredding.  First drink for the first run of the season is on me!!

So the search begins...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Photobomb 1, Go...

New baby in the family!

Reminds me of "old Korea..."

Rice and corn snacks of deliciousness.  If you're not wouldn't understand.  Sorry.

I almost bought one.

Doesn't matter what time of day you're driving as traffic seems to always be a bitch along the Han-gang.  But at least the view was nice: 63 bldg

On the way to Incheon to pick-up family!

Y.S. Park Hair Salon w/엄마 and 지나~

They (Stylists) knew me oh-so-well.  Green tea and Caramelised biscuits.

My mom is like a cute Yoda.  Very awesome.



Monday, September 26, 2011

I haz a happee...

In a few hours---I will be reunited with much missed family.  I wonder how I should greet them?  If I had a bear costume, oh yea.  Definitely.

Can't contain the's creeping up on me and encouraging my insomnia to prevail.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Winging it

I love how when you make plans...something comes up.

Might as well try to do something with all this free time.  :-)

To-do list


- Learn how to sing/play a Cy Coleman song on the piano
- Learn how to do a handstand
- Go outside when it's pouring....for a walk...with someone
- Tubing with good friends
- Bungee Jumping
- Host a Wizard Stick Party
- Skydiving
- Canyoning in Europe
- Walk on a glacier be continued.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Breaking Ground

I've always enjoyed having a blog.  In highschool, I dabbled a bit with creating my own Yahoo website and I dove into the Xanga blog scene.  Then in 2004, I signed up for Facebook.  Hundreds of status updates, notes and comments later - I find myself coming back to the simple blog.  I don't know if this is goodbye to let's not make any hasty judgements.  Who knows. sure is nice to post without feeling that scrutiny.

Let's see where this can go.

what can I say
I'm still breathing
falling in love every evening
so we just gonna stay
teenage dreamers born this way...