No matter how you think you want to act when a situation occurs - you\"re more often to be likely surprised or at the very least humbled when the opportunity presents itself for your reaction.
To be perfectly honest, my last two weeks in the RoK felt rushed in a half-hearted attempt to try to force myself to believe that I was departing with a confident sense of closure.
What a crock of shit.
Always the nice person. Always the giver. You would think after all these years of being taken advantage of and for granted by so many people that I trust---I would become just another another jaded soul.
Nope. Not yet! I believe in the good in people, shit happens, mistakes are made and we sometimes say things that we don\"t really mean. I still would like to believe most people aren\"t a bunch of self-serving parasites out to get "theirs." Negativity thrives in a world where people subconsciously support it with their claim that they\"re just being "realistic." No. You\"re just a self-righteous prick that needs to get over yourself. Life is about attitude and yours sucks.
My last day in the RoK was like one really bad, yet awesome roller coaster ride. A cute guy even followed me out of the BX to ask for my number. I felt and looked great! But good things seem to always come at a price and I suffered one indignity that almost nearly ruined the day for me. However, life has a funny and unnerving way of knocking you down, but still give you opportunity to pick yourself up. Sometimes I find it very sad and ironic that it is not a good friend - but a complete stranger or acquaintance that comes to your rescue in a time of need. But then again, it\"s why I will always try to see the good in people (despite how discouraged I can sound in my writing, I honestly believe people in general...are good).
But I digress...
The following day at the check-in counter at Incheon was especially difficult and made me realize that I still do care very much about a certain person. If it really meant something...if it felt real...then you can\"t turn OFF your feelings like a light switch. It takes time. Sitting next to an empty chair on two different flights for an entire day was a crude reminder of how I wasn\"t worth the stay. It did not feel good. The two hour delay only seemed to prolong this feeling...time can only heal this. I know this.
Next, the layover in Kuala Lumpur was possibly one of the longest layovers in my entire life. Possibly because I prefer not to travel alone. I stuck out because I was traveling a painfully obvious, white, single female. But I equate success to making it to the boarding time...on time. So far so good.
My final stop was an overnight in Phuket. The hotel owner was a nice, old British man who came to pick me up from the airport when I arrived two hours late from my projected arrival time (my aircraft was also delayed at Kuala Lumpur, go figure).
So...if you haven\"t done something nice for someone today. How about you start...with me?
Oh and Little Black Submarine is a great tune by the Black Keys that served as my song on repeat for the day. I highly recommend that you google it. I plan on having one for every time I write up on here...
Two weeks of photos below in random order!