Me: Hey, long time no see! How have you been?
Person: Oh my god...I am sooooo busy. Work has been so hectic...blahblahblah~ You?
Me: *smile* I gotta go.
Lately, there is nothing more that I hate than the "B" word. Four letter C, D, F words don't poke at me as much as this overused, abused and oftentimes, dried-out excuse.
Note: I am not ignorant of the fact that people have to work and in fact, some people do have full and ridiculous work schedules/demands.
But you have to wonder...when you hear the same four letter response from
everyone...the word starts to lose emphasis.
If you are the bottom echelon of the pecking order in your career and you think you're "busy" now, I can only imagine when you move up the ranks. You only get more responsibility and tasks as time goes on. If you can't handle your business now with some shred of dignity and perhaps, humility (because really, you're not THAT busy---I dare you to tell that to your boss), I think you would realize that the gig you have now is really not that bad. In fact, you should be grateful as the road to promotion in any job carries a heavier load and you'll stand to have a lot more to lose.
Take my advice. If you're at the bottom of the totem pole and you plan to climb...shut up and get "busy" climbing.